Vanaf 21 oktober 2024 zijn alle diensten van Polikliniek Stevenslei verhuisd naar de nieuwe ziekenhuisvleugel van AZ Monica Deurne – Meer info
+32 (0)3 320 58 00
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Vragen rond heelkundige ingreep en nazorg via:
+32 (0)3 320 58 00
Orthoca Deurne
Dinsdag: 13u00 – 16u45
Vrijdag: 13u00 – 16u45
Orthoca Kielsevest
Dinsdag: 08u00 – 11u30
Vrijdag: 08u00 – 11u30 (oneven weken)
Opleiding Geneeskunde
Universiteit Antwerpen
Kandidaat PhD, doctor in de medische wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen
Opleiding Orthopedische chirurgie
ZNA Middelheim
ZNA Stuivenberg
AZ Monica Antwerpen
University College London Hospital, UK
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Specialisatie heupchirurgie
Primaire en revisie heupprothese chirurgie (anterieure benadering)
Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, Genk, Belgium
Prof. Kristoff Corten & Dr. Ronald Driesen
Primaire en revisie heupprothese chirurgie & heuparthroscopie
AZ Monica Antwerpen, België
Dr. Jan Van Melkebeek, Dr. Jurgen Londers, Dr. Pieter Dolhain
Adult reconstruction fellowship: Primaire en revisie heupprothese chirurgie, incl peri-prosthetische infecties
The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Paul Beaulé, Prof. George Grammatopoulos, Dr. Paul Kim, Dr. Wade Gofton
Heupsparende heupchirurgie: Heup arthroscopie, Peri-acetabulaire osteotomie, Femur derotatie osteotomie
The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Paul Beaule, Prof. George Grammatopoulos, Dr. Geoffrey Wilkin, Dr. Sasha Carsen
Heupsparende heupchirurgie: Heup arthroscopie, Peri-acetabulaire osteotomie, Femur derotatie osteotomie
Complexe heupprothese chirurgie bij jonge patiënten
University College London Hospital, Londen, UK
Mr. Johan Witt, Mr. Jonathan Hutt
Internationale prijzen
European Hip Society 2023 (Bern, Switzerland)
Prevalence of adverse spinopelvic characteristics in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty and its clinical implications – A prospective study
ISHA, The hip preservation society: Joseph McCarty basic research award 2023 (Cape Town, South Africa)
How to best identify acetabular retroversion on radiographs – Thresholds to guide clinical practice
European Federation Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT) special mention: best poster presentation 2023 (Vienna, Austria)
Influence of femoral and acetabular version on patient-reported outcomes prior to hip preservation surgery
British Hip Society McKee award 2023 (Edinburgh, UK)
What is the value of a hip-specific MRI in the management of patients with symptomatic hip dysplasia undergoing combined hip arthroscopy and peri-acetabular osteotomy?
University of Ottawa Hans K Uthoff research award 2022
Spinopelvic characteristics normalize 1-year post-THA – A prospective, longitudinal, case-controlled study
Belgian Knee Society 2017 (Ghent, Belgium)
Mobile bearing leads to less proximal medial tibial strain following UKA in comparison to fixed bearing in a cadaver setup